By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
ID Please :o) Hope there is enough to go on in the pic?

20 Jul, 2014
You're right Badfish . . definitely Monarda :)
20 Jul, 2014
Yes, BF the leaves are aromatic, Thank You both for the info. Since you both coming back with the name I've found there is a lovely " Cambridge Red Scarlet" one plus some other colours too, mine is lovely at the moment I must take a picture of the whole plant to put in my pictures but not at the moment as it it tipping it down here plus thunder & lightening, I was at the supermarket when it started so I came home like a Drowned Rat and the roads were flooded, good I have a 4x4 as some low cars couldn't go through some of the roads off the A127 Leigh-on-Sea, garden is loving it though :o))
20 Jul, 2014
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Could it be a Monarda....are the leaves aromatic when rubbed?
20 Jul, 2014