By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
hello people i hope everyone is enjoying the weather and getting stuck into there gardens ,my question is a friend of mine has got some horse manure that has been inhis compost bin mixed in with the rest of his left overs . tea bags ,veg and a little bread .anyway he has used some of this on his plants . when it rained he put a plastic clear coke bottle over his lettuce .anyway when it had finished raining he went out and noticed something pure white no longer than 1mm long moving about quickly and lots of the ie thousands in one pot. ive had a look and though i used a magnifying glass i still couldnt quite make them out.i think there a type of legged insect with a long body at a guess . my friend and me now as im not called nosey for nothing would like to know firstly if anyone knows what these little white inverts are and secondly if they are good or bad for the garden please ?. thank you
11 Jun, 2010
sorry they are way to small for that ladyessex
11 Jun, 2010
Oooo! We will have to wait and see what the others come up with. :o) Oh! I know draw a picture and take a photo of it and put it on here LOL He! He! Silly Me and my idear's.
11 Jun, 2010
Hi Np. Could they possibly be the (maggots) of whitefly?
11 Jun, 2010
i think they have legs lindalooloo . if there like normal maggots ie legless then know .im guessing they have legs bye the way they move and how quickly they move as they are to small to see actual detail but as it goes they are maggot shape as such .cylindrical and i gues about 4 times as long as they are long . thanx anyway xx
i could only draw the shape realy as they are 1ml if ya lucky in length .
11 Jun, 2010
Hi Nosey,try looking up soil lice. These eat decaying matter as in the manure.They were probably only noticed after they became flushed out after your friend watered the lettuce.
11 Jun, 2010
yes aster that sounds very prommising as what he did was coverd them with half a plastic bottle creating a very moist inviroment . brilliant your a little darling have a kiss on me lol xx if your right ofcourse but ill soon let you know lol.ill just have a look on google images.
well ive had a look and that kiss is all yours bye the looks of it lol. thank you so much bye for now .
11 Jun, 2010
Aw thanks NP,just caught that flying kiss lol :))
I'm glad someone can take such pics,not ones for my camera - or eyes :)
11 Jun, 2010
well done aster. didn't think of them.
11 Jun, 2010
yes mine either though if it makes sense i knew they had legs and wernt spring tails .thanx again xx.
11 Jun, 2010
You're welcome,I guess I'm a bit nosey too.I like puzzles :))
11 Jun, 2010
arnt we all . me ard you are the only honest ones lol xx
12 Jun, 2010
me and you lol
12 Jun, 2010
Mmmmm! A picture would help if there still about.
11 Jun, 2010