By Bramhallbill
United Kingdom
My youngest daughter finished teaching Art yesterday at a High School in Greater Manchester. The kids in her class gave her a very unusual present. 2 ?. By the time she got home 1 was dead! Can you guess what she now has? Definite blog material! Hope this is OK.
23 Jul, 2014
Daisy chains?
24 Jul, 2014
Dozens of baby spiders, the male having died after fertilising the female????? Or some other creature that does the same?
24 Jul, 2014
OK Clues.
Still alive today!
I took a fly out with a spoon just before I went to bed.
Can't imagine kids giving Miss a pair of spiders unless she was Miss Muffet
24 Jul, 2014
venus fly trap?
24 Jul, 2014
Goldfish from the fair would 'pop their clogs' before you got home......
24 Jul, 2014
A pair of goldfish in a decent sized bowl. A plastic plant. Blue chips. A book "Golden tips for keeping your 1st Goldfish" A tub of food. One fish died at school after floating on its back. Might need a real plant later to keep oxygen. Odd present really. One leaving teacher got a cat before!!
24 Jul, 2014
That would probably have frightened the goldfish ?
24 Jul, 2014
Miss might love spiders! I don't mind them myself !
Must say goldfish are nicer though!
26 Jul, 2014
Fish had a kip today. Or it was a game "Play dead at the bottom of the Ocean"
26 Jul, 2014
Oh dear.........RIP fish
27 Jul, 2014
He woke up! Quite a long sleep.
27 Jul, 2014
Previous question
Oh, come on, give me a hint! Is it animal, vegetable or mineral and is it bigger than a breadbox?
24 Jul, 2014