United Kingdom
What is this? Tastes like sweetcorn with a fiery after taste.

3 Aug, 2014
Gosh Cammomile, that's lateral thinking - I was trying ot think of a vegetable!
3 Aug, 2014
It looks like the seed pod of an iris foetidissima (spelling) which is quite poisonous. I have them in my garden. On the other hand is it a vegetable? - I don't recognise it as one.
3 Aug, 2014
It is the seed pod of iris foetidissima(stinking iris) its main attribute is the seed pod which splits open revealing the orange to red seeds which do not fall out of the pod and is considered more decorative than its flower. GOY members are very very experienced and all they need for an ID is a good photo and or some of description. No need to taste test. Welcome to GOY!:)
4 Aug, 2014
Amylouise don't eat anything from your grade that you can't identify! The seeds of Iris foetidissima are, as said above, toxic and should never be eaten!
4 Aug, 2014
I also go along with Iris foetidissima. Never tasted one, though.
4 Aug, 2014
Definitely iris and not a good idea to eat the seeds unless you want vomiting and diarrhoea. Not sure how many you would have to eat to get the effect - perhaps you could try a few more and let us know!
They can also irritate skin.
4 Aug, 2014
Cammomile I wasn't suggesting it might be a veg, just admiring you for thinking of iris - should have known as I have a clump.
4 Aug, 2014
I didn't think you were Stera. I had a senior moment after I read your answer and thought "maybe it is a veg". I am the one who put her purse in the fridge and a box of matches in the microwave - so my family say but I think they were pulling my leg. :)
4 Aug, 2014
Lol Cammomile. My Dad had an uncle who had to do his own cooking when his wife died and he once made custard using plaster of Paris.
4 Aug, 2014
My dad made a chocolate cake and made the frosting out of Bisto! I obviously get it from him. Oh dear, seems we have strayed from the subject again.
4 Aug, 2014
Good lord are you trying to poison yourself? Don't eat anything you can't identify. It looks like an iris seed pod.
3 Aug, 2014