HiThis infestation happened two years ago and has returned with a vengeance
By Angiewangie
This infestation happened two years ago and has returned with a vengeance. As this hedge was already planted when we bought the house and I'm not a gardener, I'm not too sure what this hedge is called. I've scoured the internet and it looks like a Laurel??
At the beginning of summer, we noticed a quite a few leaves going brown and on closer inspection we saw these caterpillar looking bugs and black eggs on the underside of the leaves. Also, when it rains, it gives off a horrid pungent smell, which is rather hard to explain to visitors!! Now, the whole bush looks if it's going to totally die. So any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in anticipation.
Angel Hobbins

4 Aug, 2014
Ultimate Bug Killer will deal with this. Best to spray early in the season as a preventative rather than wait for the infestation. Then again in July. Would make a habit of clearing any dead leaves and rubbish from underneath the shrub. This will break the cycle but a reinfection will occur if there are other Tinus varieties in the locality. Most of the deciduous varieties have wonderful scents unlike the Tinus which remind me of cat's pee.
4 Aug, 2014
Thank you, looks like it's going to have to come out then
5 Aug, 2014
Previous question
« What is this? Tastes like sweetcorn with a fiery after taste.
Viburnum rather than Laurel and that is Viburnum beetle. It is extremely difficult to eradicate. You would need to spray, the underside of the leaves especially with a good insecticide and keep on doing it too.
Sadly we had this and in the end we removed the Viburnum tinus which is the most badly attacked. Sorry.
4 Aug, 2014