By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
ID on this spider, it is on my netting over my pond so you can only see the underneath of it.

7 Aug, 2014
I bet its got a nice big web . it looks related too orb web spiders too me .
8 Aug, 2014
I have them in the garden. wonderful and worth keeping.
8 Aug, 2014
Yes :o)) Kerryvw, looking at pic's of a "Tetragnatha extensa" it is the same as the one on the mesh covering my pond, one day I fed the fish and the food dangled just above the water on some of the web & too my surprise the fish were jumping up to try and get the food, so got a stick and pushed the food into the water, wonder if they liked the taste of the web LOL, Oh! Flip I wish I had taken a video of it now Dah! :o)
I've added another picture before I cropped it.
8 Aug, 2014
careful,they eat fish(only joking).Glad thats sorted,kerryvw.
9 Aug, 2014
Hi Ladyessex1,the only one with an elongated body in my Field guide of plants and animals is Tetragnatha extensa,found all over Europe ,up to 11mm long.Builds web in damp places.Attaches egg cocoon to rushes etc.Family..Agelenidae.Hope this helps,kerryvw.
7 Aug, 2014