By Pdb
United Kingdom
I was going to buy some of these Bellis Belle plugs for next spring. If I put them in an unheated greenhouse over winter will they survive? Many thanks

11 Aug, 2014
If you are in the same situation as myself then you most probably have the intended beds full with summer bedding. I would order as soon as possible and pot them on in your greenhouse then plant out in early autumn when you have space.
11 Aug, 2014
Hi, if I were you, I wouldn't buy them, they look fine the first year, but by their 3rd year. you just have Bellis perennis, {common daisy}, Derek.
11 Aug, 2014
And they do tend to seed into the lawn.
11 Aug, 2014
Yes they are for a bed I already have in use so will order them now. Will keep an eye on they seeds but they are going in an area that's away from the lawn. I'm hoping to have the display with tulips of similar colour for the spring. Many thanks for your advise.
12 Aug, 2014
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I would leave them outside with some simple overhead protection to guard against extreme weather. Why not just plant them now, they are daisies.
11 Aug, 2014