By Richieruby
I am a total novice and we moved into our dream house with a garden. First question that I am throwing is :)...
I have the attached pots with dead plants in them. When I removed the plants I noticed that the pots were lined with black 'plastic' and the pots do not have any drainage holes. I am total confused... do i need to line the pots again and plant new plants? Or maybe I should drill holes? I await your helpful replies... and well done to this community.

12 Aug, 2014
Yes, definitely drill holes, and you don't need to re-line the pots with plastic.
12 Aug, 2014
Welcome to Goy, yes definitely drill holes otherwise your plants will not survive for long as no moisture can escape and the plants become waterlogged, the lining is entirely your own choice...Good luck with your new ones ....
12 Aug, 2014
Not surprised this is your dream home, iit willbe a real haven in the summertime.
12 Aug, 2014
Thank you all. I will definitely drill holes then.
@Steragram - it will be although too many trees being we have a forest at the foot of the garden :)
12 Aug, 2014
If the pots are metal, the plastic may have been used to try to insulate the contents from both heat and cold. It's not very good as an insulator, you need some of that soft, flexible, warm feel polyethelene/polystryene sheeting you find as packing material sometimes, laid round the walls of the pot with the compost inside. If they're not metal, no idea why they'd have put plastic in. And every container should have drainage holes, as the others say.
12 Aug, 2014
I was thinking the forest would be beautiful in the springtime. I guess it depends on whether its to the south or the north of your garden!
12 Aug, 2014
Great view!
Pots look like concrete to me so the plastic liners may have been to stop the salts in the concrete leaching into the compost. But yes they need some sort of drainage holes in them.
12 Aug, 2014
Hi Richieruby,welcome,what nobody has touched on yet is adding some broken crocks,bits of polystyrene etc over the drain holes to prevent them blocking up with soil.I have over 30 pots,containers with box,.cordylines,Tunisian plants(see my photos),I call this my Winter collection,and I have done this with them all,again, it is your choice,kerryvw.
13 Aug, 2014
I would drill holes in your potsRR
12 Aug, 2014