By Speedy21
United Kingdom
I should like to know the best way to harvest tomato seeds for next year.The tomato yield that we grew this year was very poor but the flavour was excellent.
13 Aug, 2014
If the yield was very poor and even though you were happy with the flavour, I would suggest that you try a different variety of tomato rather than saving the seed.
13 Aug, 2014
Derek's advice is spot on Speedy. I do the same thing with small fruit seeds, but I leave them in the paper towel to dry. They are too fiddly to remove and I just plant them as they are in the paper. The paper towel is not detrimental to them sprouting and the paper will eventually rot away in the compost anyway.
13 Aug, 2014
Many thanks for your answers,I thought along the same lines but was not sure.
14 Aug, 2014
Hi, just scoop the seeds out with a spoon, put them ina sieve, put them under a cold tap until you get rid of all the mush, then spread them out on kitchen roll, and leave to dry, once they have dried put the seed into a paper bagand put them somewhere cool and dry, until next spring, but bear in mind that if they were f1 hybrids, you have no guarantee that you will get the same tomatoes you got this year, Derek
13 Aug, 2014