By Scotkat
Can anyone suggest a nice Autumn foilage shrub to fit in a space to hide neighbours conifer stump.
Did think of planting another rhodie.
But now thinking be best nice shrub that's has Autumn foliage.
17 Aug, 2014
Cotinus, Enkianthus, Berberis, Vibernum Nudum
17 Aug, 2014
I only know of its common name:Burning Bush
17 Aug, 2014
I have A viburnum,and 3 Encianthus and Calcarpa
Like the Cotinus as got Redbud tree in back garden and the leaves just now are stunning.
17 Aug, 2014
Saw a nice Fire Bush it's very nice too.
17 Aug, 2014
There are certain Nandina and also Mahonia varieties which, although evergreen, colour up red for winter.
17 Aug, 2014
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« Hi I have got 12 helenium plants in 4" pots about 15" high,then I had to...
Cotinus 'Royal purple'
17 Aug, 2014