By Hank
United Kingdom
Success with spuds at last
Each year I set about 5 earllies and 5 main crop. This year each of my earlies produced about 5 potatoes each (Pentland Javelin ). but the first of my later ones ( dug up today) came up with 3 lbs, 6 ozs. ( Maris something ).
My question is - which early do I set next year ? I'm not fussy about what they're for - chipping, roasting etc, we're not connoisseurs, just which will give me a large crop.

20 Aug, 2014
Dont set them next year on the same ground Hank. The
location should be moved every year on a 3 year system or you get blight.
21 Aug, 2014
Thanks Sue, I hadn't heard of that one. We have slugs but not many so may try it. And While have read up on the crop rotation D, and do vary the location as best I can I forgot it was a 3 year system. Maybe I got that wrong.
21 Aug, 2014
I had to put some tatties in the same place as they have grown twice before because I bought too much seed, and I got blight for the first time - don't know if there was a connection.
21 Aug, 2014
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I like lady Cristl (but not if you have a lot of slugs) or Casablanca which is similar but les sluggy.
20 Aug, 2014