United Kingdom
My only comfrey plant succumbed to mildew this year. can I still make a liquid feed with it?
13 Sep, 2014
Thanks Stera, I'll put the leaves in the compost bin with grass as you suggest. I didn't know that I would need a lot more plants to make a feed but now I will know for next year.
14 Sep, 2014
Well you can make a small amount of feed with a small quantity! But don't worry abut more plants, it spreads by runners and the problem will be limiting its spread not buying more.After a few years I had to move mine to a bit of wild bank behind the shed where it could do its own thing.
14 Sep, 2014
Thankyou Stera, does it get the sun behind the shed? It would be useful if I could move my plant to a shady position where there is more room.
15 Sep, 2014
Hardly worth it with just one plant? And as its too late to feed this year anyway I'd give it a miss and wait until next year. If you have one comfrey plant it shouldn't be very long before you have lots more. You can compost it though but put some grass mowings over it to raise the temperature and kill the mould spores just in case, if you feel uneasy about it.
13 Sep, 2014