By Lilred
Where can i get poncietta tree pods?
23 Sep, 2014
Its native to Jamaica but wasn't sure if i could have the seed pods mailed to me. Google the image they are fabulous. but the spelling that I put in my question is correct.
23 Sep, 2014
Lilred are you sure your spelling is correct when I put that into a Google search it comes up with Poinsettia, which is not in any way, shape or form a tree. Can you put up a photo please.
23 Sep, 2014
It's a beautiful tree but I can't help thinking that if you could get seeds you would surely see them growing in the UK - its not the right climate sadly.
23 Sep, 2014
Hi, welcome to GoY,do you mean Delonix regia, syn, poinciana regia, ?, also known as flamboyant tree, flame tree, if so, I'm sorry I have no idea where you could get seed pods from, unless you live in Madagascar, tropical Africa, or India, then you could just pick them off the tree, Derek.
23 Sep, 2014
I thought I had seen poinsettias growing as trees in Portugal Moongrower, it was totally amazing. I didn't think they could have been anything else but if anybody knows what they were it would be interesting. I found this on the web which confused me even more - any opinions on it welcome!
23 Sep, 2014
Well Derek and Cammomile obviously have more info Stera. I haven't got a clue!
23 Sep, 2014
I haven't got a clue either, but just thought it looked tropical and not something I've ever seen here!
23 Sep, 2014
Moon grower the pic above my name is it. It's amazing! The leaves look almost like a fern. I was hoping i could find something but I'm still on the hunt. Meet a lady on my cruise last week and she lives in central Texas and she had one, she said it died every winter but she always got the parts off of it so she was able to replant each spring and it would bloom. Thanks everyone. If i find something i will let y'all know incase your interested.
23 Sep, 2014
Well the photo is definitely not of a poinsettia! You don't tell us where you live Lilred if it is in the Southern States you may be able to get seed.
24 Sep, 2014
Aha, it didn't click with me that you might live in the States. I am easily confused!
24 Sep, 2014
Hi, now that you have mentioned "fernlike foliage", I think it might be Caesalpinia pulcherrma, {Barbados pride }, grows to 10 to 20 ft x 6 to 12 ft spread, probably native to West indies, and is half hardy, but may survive short spells down to 32f, Derek.
24 Sep, 2014
Lilred if you had filled in the place where you live on your profile we would have seen straight away that you live in the US! If you are going to stay with us, and that would be nice, its as well to put more info on it as it helps with answering questions.
24 Sep, 2014
@Steragram: Last spring I finally had to trim one of my poinsettias because it had grown to around 15ft tall. Now it is nice and bushy and only 8ft. The trunk is about 2" across.
25 Sep, 2014
Wilie it must look wonderful! And to think how folk here struggle to keep them through the summer to perform again the following year. You certainly live in a warmer place than we do!
25 Sep, 2014
Do you mean Poinsettia? That's the Christmas house plant with big red bracts. I've never seen it set seed, though I'm sure it does in its native Mexico.
23 Sep, 2014