By Hank
United Kingdom
Sort of gardening ! ( forgive me.)
This should be right up your street.
My crossword clue is " wild,wild rose". I gather it's an anagram of the word " inelegant " BUT MAY NOT BE ! So far I have "e-l-n---e. " The other letters are "i a n t g."
17 Oct, 2014
Snap - you beat me to it!
17 Oct, 2014
Ha ha Sue ... I do love an anagram!
17 Oct, 2014
Thanks guys, I knew I could rely on you. I'd never have got that.
17 Oct, 2014
I've got a similar problem. The last one to complete the crossword and I can't figure it out. The clue is, 'Another name for a post mans bag'.
17 Oct, 2014
How many letters ... and I don't mean in the post-bag!
17 Oct, 2014
I'm usually not very good at them Shirley, but this one just popped into my head. Myron are you making trouble again???
17 Oct, 2014
I hope he's not ...
17 Oct, 2014
Well you caught me out... THOUSANDS. LOL.
17 Oct, 2014
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Eglantine ... sweet briar rose.
17 Oct, 2014