By Bluewillow
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Rhododendrones in pots?. Hi everyone,when potting a rhododendrone with ericaceous compost is it advisable to mix in sharp sand for drainage? also is there any thing else I could be mixing in?. Thank you all .
30 Nov, 2014
Keep the pot off the ground any way you can, to encourage good drainage too.
30 Nov, 2014
Agree with Sheila pot needs to be on feet off the ground.
30 Nov, 2014
Thank you to you both,also I hear you can use pine needles to use as a mulch, I have looked around but carnt find anywere to buy these from?.thank you again.
30 Nov, 2014
You can't buy pine needles you collect them if you have pine trees in your area.
30 Nov, 2014
I don't think you need to worry about that in a pot though. The ericaceous will be all you need. The reasoning behind the suggestion is that they have a slightly acidifying action on the soil but yours will be acid enough as it is.
1 Dec, 2014
Hi, the last time we visited our son in Atlanta, early october, nearly every household was having pine needles put down as a mulch, theycame in blocks, about the size of a breeze block, but I've never seen them in UK, Derek.
4 Dec, 2014
No just use ericaceous compost when you are planting a rhododendron in a pot and be prepared to use an ericaceous feed too. Only the dwarf rhodos. are suitable for containers.
30 Nov, 2014