By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
My two Kolkwitzias (beauty bush) have yet to flower! One is in full sun, the other in shade, and both are 2 - 3 years old. What have I done wrong?!
30 Nov, 2014
Thanks Jaykaty . . . I'll keep hoping then. At first I thought it might be the soil, but on investigation they should be happy in "any" soil, so it's not that!
30 Nov, 2014
Mines in between other shrubs and battles for sun.....and flowers , don't supposed you could have pruned off the flower buds?
give it a high potash feed in spring, it could help
2 Dec, 2014
Thanks Pam . . I've hardly pruned them at all, so it's a puzzle. But a feed in spring sounds a good idea, I just need to remember!
2 Dec, 2014
Well I guess as the spring bresks you'll be out looking at whats shooting in the garden, usually end of msrch time I give everything a balanced feed and the ones needing it get tomato food......its my way of remembering....
yours are probably just growing strong roots and will flower when they're ready....
2 Dec, 2014
Thanks - fingers crossed :)
2 Dec, 2014
Sheila my Kolkwitzia grows and flowers in part shade so I don't think the aspect will affect whether it flowers or not. Mine has been in the garden for many years now and I can't remember how old it was when it first flowered, but perhaps yours aren't old enough yet. I doubt you are doing anything wrong as they are tough and don't need much attention.
30 Nov, 2014