United Kingdom
having problems with my outdoor tomatoes.the leaves are curling inwards and the growing tip is wilting like its dieing or not getting any water.
any ideas please?
6 Jul, 2010
I found this on Question 27673 and decided to copy it over so that Pottywith pots could see where she should have replied to MG. She made the common mistake of using the box to the right of MG's original answer to ask another question instead of continuing the conversation on this question. Hope this is helpful MG and Potty. Maybe someone with a bit more time than I have at present could mention this common problem to the boys. --------------
thank you for writing back moon grower.unfortunatly i havent worked out how to put pictures on here yet.but answering your question,they are in big pots.3 in a pot about 2ft across.i water them every other day.maybe thats not enough is that my problem do you think?
6 Jul, 2010
Well we have ours growing individually in 1ft very deep pots and standing on trays so there is always water. You need to water more to water more I'd say and if you have to use tap water let it stand in a bucket or the watering can for at least 24 hours to get rid of the chlorine.
7 Jul, 2010
Hi Pottywithpots and welcome to GoY. Are your tomatoes in the ground or in pots? Either way they will need a lot of watering and feeding once the first fruits set. Could you post a photo for us please.
6 Jul, 2010