By Rayham
United Kingdom
The flower spike on my phormium is now carrying the seed pods. As the plant is in a pot, would it be better to remove the spike for the benefit of the foliage or would that be detrimental to the plant?
On plant
Phormium tenax

11 Jul, 2010
Thanks for your advice. As it is in a pot, It seemed to me that it might be better to remove the spike. If it had been in the ground, I think I would have just left it to do it's own thing. The variety is Tricolour. So, thanks again.
12 Jul, 2010
As the plant is in a pot, it seemed to me that it would be better to remove the spike. If it had been in the ground, I would probably left it to do it's own thing.
Thanks for your advice. The variety is Tricolor.
12 Jul, 2010
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If the flowers are finished, cut the spike out from the base. Nice phormium, like the colour.
12 Jul, 2010