By Donnaj1dlh
My chocolate cosmos has just got completely battered by a day of gales :( it was in a pot at my conservatory, so quite exposed.
Am I right in thinking they are perennial and although most bits have got broken off, it will still come next year?
11 Jul, 2010
Poor you, our garden is also battered...again , lupins, delphiniums and sweet william lying injured everywhere you look :o( .
You could give your cosmos a light trim to remove broken stems and tidy it up. There's still enough summer left that it might come again...good luck :o)
11 Jul, 2010
I guess you've had this afternoon's wind today as well Treeman :) I've moved my pot to somewhere (hopefully) a bit more sheltered. Seems most stalks have been split though :(. Finger's crossed it's not beyond help....
11 Jul, 2010
Yes it will come again next year but it is tender advice is cold areas is to lift in autumn allow to dry off and store cool but frost free over winter planting again next spring.
11 Jul, 2010