Plant ID.
By Bendipa
United Kingdom
I discovered what appears to be a some sort of large evergreen herbaceous plant or possibly a shrub with very long stems buried under a thicket of brambles and ivy. I took a photo showing what looks like dried up flowers at the end of a side shoot. Having cut all the main stems back I notice that near the crown the stems are 1cm thick and coloured mainly red but also flushed with yellow.
Any ideas please?

6 Feb, 2015
6 Feb, 2015
Thanks for that. I've never come across a Leucothoe before, but you could well be on the money there. Reading about it the only doubt is that the leaves are supposed to turn red in winter, and that hasn't happened here. But the plant resembles a Drooping Leucothoe in all other respects, so I'm going with that suggestion unless someone can come up with anything closer.
7 Feb, 2015
I'm with Leucothoe too!
7 Feb, 2015
Fallopia japonica is my guess.
7 Feb, 2015
HI, as we seem to have differing opinions, may I suggest, Luecothoe keiskei, Derek.
8 Feb, 2015
Hi Derek.
I'm fairly sure it's Leucothoe fontanesiana, as this variety has long arching stems and a spreading habit, whereas your variety seems like a compact type. Here's a link which resembles the one I found in my customer's garden.
9 Feb, 2015
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Ceanothus, weigela, cotoneaster - difficult to be sure but someone will know hopefully.
6 Feb, 2015