By Tarabelle
United Kingdom
Hi, I have a hedge, that I think is private. The plant is being eaten alive. It is still growing clean nice foliage but before long they are full of holes. The inner part of the plant is very sparse now. It also gives off a really horrid smell, like rotten flesh. Any ideas would be welcome.
14 Mar, 2015
It would be good to establish whether the hedge is vIburnum or privet. It does sound like the viburnum beetle. I have 2 viburnum tinus in my mixed hedge and one was so badly affected that I had it out. the other one has had a milder attack and seems ok but I'm prepared for the worst. There is probably a remedy but I really felt the bush was beyond rescue. Sorry to be negative!
14 Mar, 2015
I had it in my V tinus too and it had to go......shotholes such an apt description!
15 Mar, 2015
Private is puzzling though - do you really mean its for privacy or that its a privet hedge?
15 Mar, 2015
The best way to deal with Viburnham beetle and to keep the Viburnham looking good is to spray with a insecticide three times a year, they have recently taken off the shelves ultimate bugclear this was really good, but there maybe something similar, but you do not need to grub an old Viburnham Tinus out, get the loppers out and cut right back to ground level then give it plenty of water and in next to no time it will be a lovely bush again.
15 Mar, 2015
It definitely sounds like the Vburnham Titus. I thank you all for your advice. I will go see what can be done.
16 Mar, 2015
The hedge in question could be Viburnham tinus the foliage does usually give off a fowl odour and normally the foliage is attacked by the Viburnham beetle, the leaves then become shot holed .
14 Mar, 2015