By Joan25
United Kingdom
Could anyone advise me as to the name of the orange dogwood. I have the red and yellow but would like an orange one. Thankyou
19 Mar, 2015
There are quite a few, all varieties of Cornus sanguinea. Look at C. sanguinea 'Anny's Winter Orange', 'Winter Beauty' and 'Winter Flame'.
19 Mar, 2015
Also Midwinter Fire
19 Mar, 2015
I saw an orange one walking the dog this morning. However until leaves come strictly speaking its difficult to tell.
20 Mar, 2015
"An orange one walking the dog" puts me in mind of the dog who always chased the postman on his bike - until they took his bike away.
21 Mar, 2015
Thank you so much for your replies about orange dogwood. I will go to the garden centre and see if they have any of the ones you suggested.
Thanks again Joan 25
21 Mar, 2015
Not aware of an orange one although midwinter fire can be orangey/pink. Maybe you're thinking of the willow....Salix alba 'Chermesina'
19 Mar, 2015