The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Shropshire, United Kingdom

Surprise! I have discovered a dozen of these bulbs popping up in my garden and haven't got a clue what they are or when or if I even planted them!! The one thing I do know is that we're definitely not there last year so I must have planted them last autumn.... Scratching my head a bit as really haven't got a clue where they came from. (My son suggested that maybe a bulb planting fairy paid us a visit!)
Any suggestions as to what type of narcissi it is?



Could it be 'Rip Van Winkle'?

27 Mar, 2015


Could be, wait until the flower is fully out and take another photo preferably face on to the flower rather than sideways

27 Mar, 2015


Daffodil, 'Rip-van-Winkle.

27 Mar, 2015


Thanks guys. Still baffled about their appearance!!!

27 Mar, 2015


Your son has the right answere!

27 Mar, 2015


Bulbaholic. Getting seriously worried about my memory but got given a lovely garden journal to write down what & when I plant bulbs, plants etc.. Hopefully it will help but who says I won't forget to write in it very time I do something in the garden.....

28 Mar, 2015


I have had several garden journals in my time, Amsterdam, but none last much longer than a month. Enjoy your daffodils and just be thankful for them :-))))

28 Mar, 2015


I wonder if there will be any other (hopefully pleasant) surprises in store!! Weather is wet and windy here today so no gardening today :(

28 Mar, 2015

How do I say thanks?

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