By Hank
United Kingdom
I put my first early potatoes in a fortnight ago. There's no sign at all of them. Should I be worried ?
31 Mar, 2015
Thanks guys, that's put my mind at rest. I'll just keep my eye on them for now.
1 Apr, 2015
On second thoughts, would I be better digging them up again, waiting a fortnight or so and setting some more ? I've not much else I can do at the moment.
1 Apr, 2015
Snoop do you have a reason for planting them so deep please? The RHS veg book suggests 4-6 inches. Do you get a better yield by planting them deeply or does it mean you have less earthing up to do?
1 Apr, 2015
Thanks S, job sorted.
2 Apr, 2015
I see - so you earth them up before they come through the ground? I wondered why you had the ridges before there were any plants showing - have seen it done before and it always puzzled me.
2 Apr, 2015
3 Apr, 2015
A fortnight ago, wow; we won't be doing that for another week - or two. Worried, no I don't think so. The ground is still cold so they will only grow very slowley at the moment. In fact, you should be happy that they are still beneath the ground and safe from frosts.
31 Mar, 2015