By Irish
strange question i know but can anyone tell me if airlines would let you take a plant on as hand luggage?
3 Aug, 2008
grand thanks hardyg
3 Aug, 2008
You need to check with particular airline, especially as rules keep changing, & may be different for EU, compared to USA or Australia for example.. I've carried flowers before. I have packed seeds and bulbs on many occasions but they can go in main luggage. I know there are some restrictions to prevent plant diseases etc.
3 Aug, 2008
aye chris , ive brought seeds and bulbs back in the luggage that goes in the hold,,,, ill fone the airline on tues, closed here tomor cos its bank hol
3 Aug, 2008
There are strict rules about bringing plant material into a country to avoid the inadvertant introduction of pests and diseases. As I understand it, no soil can be brought in so your plant would have to be bare rooted. Seeds and bulbs are OK but I don't think plants in pots are
3 Aug, 2008
Does that mean we can swap seeds safely from our Fellow GOY Members Acroos the sea safely then Andrewr ? :)
3 Aug, 2008
No restrictions whatsoever within the EU, anywhere else don't even think about it.
3 Aug, 2008
thanks guys
3 Aug, 2008
I have legally sent seeds to Australia, America and Canada. You just need to know the seeds they will allow and how to label the packaging properly.
In America it is up to the recipient to obtain a permit. If they do not and the seeds are discovered they can be fined.
3 Aug, 2008
my daughter lives in Holland and travels a lot in her job. However she is not allowed to take plant material into Holland from other countries EU or not. On visiting Chile we had to sign a form on the plane to say that we were carrying no plant material not even seeds. In fact we had enquired at the Chilean embassy and been told the same. So it all depends on the rules of the country. Penalties can be severe.
3 Aug, 2008
Celandine, Not so, unless the rules have been changed since last year. I have openly carried plants on airlines within the EU, especially Holland with no problems.
4 Aug, 2008
I have recieved seeds many times by post in Hungary Jacque, from seed companies and from 1 kind GOY member when she read that I couldn't find a certain plant here. NOW another kind member wants to send me a cutting. This I have not done before so we will see if it is still alive when it gets here.
4 Aug, 2008
Marguerite I sent Myrrhis odorata seeds to a lady on another forum. I had to label the contents on the outside of the envelope and only use new packaging, no recycled envelopes etc.
She is a professional herb grower and registered her end. I did not have to register this end.There is a site that she gave me which lists acceptable imports. Many seeds on that list but ONLY seeds. Live plants is a big no, no for most countries although there is little done to enforce it sometimes. I will not send seeds, plants or cuttings illegaly to anyone. There are too many pests and diseases already introduced having detrimental effects on local flora and fauna, nevermind invasive foreign plants....In Britain think Knotweed!
5 Aug, 2008
Lasr year I bought several plants back to Southampton from Guernsey. Check with the airline first.
3 Aug, 2008