By Doreenhardy
United Kingdom
last year i grew tomatoes in a home made compost/soil in my greenhouse and I had a good crop, which is right soil or growbags
28 Apr, 2015
My parents ran a smallholding decades ago and grew annual flowers for sale as well as tomatoes in large greenhouses. Neither of these were ever grown in purchased compost. The seeds were sown in sieved garden soil and the tomatoes grown in the ground with lots of farmyard manure. Of course you get weed seeds using soil or your own compost, but very often I think we pander to the plants (or the sellers of compost) more than we need to. If it worked well last year, stick with it!
29 Apr, 2015
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we grow in both so either and what works best for you. if your own compost gave you a good crop then that's free and works so go for it. I assume you fed them as they grew anyway.
Hope you are enjoying GoY.
28 Apr, 2015