By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Name of pink single poppy. Have just been watching GW covering the RHS Malvern Spring show. My eyes were drawn to pink single poppies growing freely amongst other plants. I have had a look on line but can not seem to find the one I am after. Anyone got any suggestions? Am after a single flower (annual?) flowering poppy in a bright yet darkish pink with black patches on inside petals around the central core. Any ideas??
8 May, 2015
Derek - thanks for that. Will do.
26 May, 2015
answer re pink poppies - I too have been looking, and have found that they are called papavaer dubium subsp leq. albiflor - or commonly known as Beth's poppy. Seeds can be bought from the Great Dixter website (best garden in England as far a I am concerned). I got their name from the plant list from the Genetic Conservation Garden at the Malvern show. Looks as it we will have to wait awhile to get the seeds though. Good luck. Nicky
1 Jul, 2015
Hi Myfabgarden, thank you for confirming my suggestion of P dubium, however I don't think there should be a problem getting the seeds, as this plant has been available since 1968, and is an annual, Derek.
2 Jul, 2015
Nicky thanks for that. Will be keen to order some seeds and have them flowering in my garden next year!
4 Jul, 2015
Hi, have a look at Papaver dubium, {long headed poppy }, or P rhoeas, {Corn poppy, Field poppy, Flanders poppy }, particularly the Shirley series, these come in all sorts of colours, Derek.
12 May, 2015