By Johnjoe
I have planted Livingstone Daisy seeds in a seed tray. Now they are about 1" high, should I transplant them singly into 3" pots as they are so small should I transplant them in a bunch into a larger say 6" pot before transplanting into the garden. Any advice would be appreciated thank you

13 May, 2015
Thank God Owdboggy otherwise I would be here all day if I had to do them singly.
Thank you Ogdboggy.
13 May, 2015
Agree with Owdboggy . . . I had the same problem with Campanula lactifolia . . . TINY bunches of seedlings, so pricked them out in little bunches. Now that they're about 4" high they're reasonably easy to separate. Good luck Johnjoe!
13 May, 2015
Thank you Sheilabub. That is great advice from you and Owgboggy. If you don't mind me asking one more question, what side pot should I use.
Many Thanks
14 May, 2015
I usually prick them out into seed trays rather than pots, but looking at your picture, I would go for 7cm. pots in a gritty compost.
14 May, 2015
Mine are all pricked out in 'square' 7cm pots - they're great, as you can fit so many into standard seed trays. Usually ordered in quantity from Garden Superstore . . .
14 May, 2015
Thank You again, that is great Owdboggy & Sheilabub. It is what I was going to use but there was something on back of my mind telling me they were to small. You know that fellow Mr Doubtful, Lol, You are right Sheilabub two 7cm x 6 fit exactly into the seed tray
Thanks Again
14 May, 2015
Hi Owdboggy, I was going to use potting compost, you have advised me to use grit compost. I have a couple of bails of potting compost I am using for my baskets and flower pots. Would you think it would be ok to add some sharp sand in the compost.
14 May, 2015
I always used to pot them up in groups, as they are often far too spindly rooted to survive the damage done by separating them. Even when ready to plant out, they are often left as a group planting.
13 May, 2015