By Thorneyside
United Kingdom
Can anyone name this plant please? At first I thought it was a Kniphofia but now I don't think it is. It has strappy leaves and the flowers are quite "fluffy".
Any ideas?
Sorry about the photo but it was very sunny.
I have taken a couple more to see if that helps.
I have a feeling I have seen this plant before, I think when I lived in Tenerife in the 1980's but not sure.

14 May, 2015
Is it an Eremurus (Foxtail lily) of some variety? Seems a little early though.
14 May, 2015
Ashphodelus fistulus is the one I am thinking of. Does it smell slightly oniony?
14 May, 2015
It might be a Camassia which is a bulb and which is in flower now. Blue is the most common but there is a white/cream version. It doesn't have a scent so if yours does then I'm wrong. I may be wrong anyway!
14 May, 2015
Thanks to you all for the help in finding this plant's name.
Not an Eremurus or Camassia but looking on line with the names you've offered I do believe Owdboggy that you're right. Pics online look the same but if the weather's good tomorrow I'll take myself down there for a sniff to see if it smells of onions.
Thanks again.
14 May, 2015
I also think that is an Asphodel.
14 May, 2015
Asphodel I think to. The foliage is correct for it too.
15 May, 2015
Thanks everyone. Pics online make me think you're all right. Asphodel. Doesn't smell of onions though.
15 May, 2015
That is annoying, I have seen this before, but for the life of me I cannot yet put a name to it. Sorry.
14 May, 2015