United Kingdom
Garden Geranium. I don't ask many questions, but would be interested in the answer to this. I am not a great lover of garden geraniums probably due to the huge sprawling, floppy blue ones my Mother had about 50 years ago! Took over the garden and though pretty in flower - not good. However..while visiting one of the open garden villages, I saw this in one of the gardens and talking to the owner she said this would convert me to garden geraniums, which it has in a way. She didn't know the name of this, so I was hoping that someone on here would. It seems to have worked on the 'like' front as I have just bought a really dark leafed small one and a pretty star flowered one who will be as well behaved as this one I hope!

21 May, 2015
I think its Geranium himalayense 'Birch's Double' - it gets up to 60 cm wide and does get a bit sprawly, but like most of the larger Geraniums, sometime in July to early August, you can see new growth in the middle, surrounded by sprawly growths - you cut off all those sprawly growths and it grows anew, neatly, from the middle.
This one's pretty, but sady, double flowers do not attract bees or other pollinating insects.
My personal favourite from a practical point of view is G. 'Wargrave's Pink', if only because it has a very long flowering period, with temporary pauses. You have to like pink though! Most of them are very useful plants in partial shade.
21 May, 2015
I have Soutgate Double which remains compact and is no trouble at all. It has pretty pink flowers, if that's of interest.
Have a look at www.
21 May, 2015
Thanks Pam and Bamboo for your replies. Apparently this used to be called Birch's Double, but like everything else has got a name change! G. himalayense ‘Plenum’ I wouldn't have found it if you hadn't pointed me in the right direction, so thank you again.
I do know that double flowers are pretty useless for the insects and bees and I usually steer clear of them and have open climbing roses, lots of daisy type flowers and my own bed of wild flowers/weeds including buttercups and dandelions which I leave. The buttercups are really pretty at the moment. Today I bought some Lady's Bedstraw (Galium Verum) on the off chance there is one of the Hawk-moth's who like this in the vicinity! Also bought white ragged robin to go with my pink one!
21 May, 2015
Thanks Steragram for the info, I shall certainly have a look at the website - I might become a full convert and become obsessive!
21 May, 2015
Easily done - there seems to be one for every situation...
21 May, 2015
Geraniums are my some of my favourite plants. Agreed that the taller ones get sprawly but as Bamboo says, they can be cut back and new growth takes over. One of the best for me is G. Rozanne; flowers all summer and bees love it, and you obviously like attracting insects. One of the attractive things about geraniums is that slugs don't bother them. There are quite a few different ones in my small garden but I must admit that I'm a lazy gardener and 'good doers' are what I go for. Like you though, I now try to have mainly, but not all, wildlife friendly plants.
22 May, 2015
The most compact are the sanguiniums, only a few inches high but with nice big flowers. I find the white one reluctant to flower much but the shades of pink are great.
22 May, 2015
Previous question
I'm not sure about the double ones butI do like Geraniums
ballerina is small and pretty, splishsplashi fun, I find a 'haircut' after flowering not only keeps them tidy but you usually get another flush of flowers
21 May, 2015