By Albertoxxx
United Kingdom
I Have set my peas only to find that field mice have eaten most of them, they have been covered by netting for protection from the birds. How do I protect from mice.
24 May, 2015
Grow them in trays or pots instead of planting straight into the ground. I grew mine in 4 - 5 ft lengths of guttering and slid them into prepared furrows when they were big enough. Worked a treat.
24 May, 2015
Guttering, yes - who'd cut drain pipes in half??? But you get the idea!
24 May, 2015
Or soak them in paraffin before planting!
24 May, 2015
Some people set them in half drain pipes and then slide them out into the ground when they are established.
Never tried it as i don't grow peas normally but its supposed to work well.
24 May, 2015