By Sidneyworm
United Kingdom
I have purchased a plant recently in france, unfortunately and rather stupidly I omitted to write the name down, I know it begins with Vi, it is a large shrub/tree which has pendulus red/pink lilac type flowers on it - how can I find out what it is called and how to look after it please?|
27 May, 2015
Could it be Passiflora vitifolia... Red Passion flower?
27 May, 2015
Could be Virgilia capensis, frost tender fast grower. If you Google it you will see photo's to compare.
28 May, 2015
We need a photograph - you've said its a large shrub/small tree, so its not a climber. The only shrub I can think of that begins with Vi is Viburnum, and they don't have pendulous flowers, and not in the colour you're describing either. Not to mention that the Vi you remember may be a cultivar name rather than the actual name of the shrub, so please post a photograph or two, showing leaves as well as flowers, and overall growth habit.
28 May, 2015
How did you get it into the country? I thought Brits weren't allowed to import plants from abroad??
28 May, 2015
We can between EU countries Stera.
29 May, 2015
Can we? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
29 May, 2015
Nor to me but we can...
30 May, 2015
A photo of said plant would help...
27 May, 2015