United Kingdom
Splitting Crinum powellii? I have a large Crinum, probably powellii (pale pink), which was here when we moved in. It is hard against the bungalow wall with a clematis and a climbing rose (also there originally) which hems it in. As it is now spreading, when in flower it tends to flop towards the drive and can get broken off, which is a shame. My question is, can I split this by teasing out one of the side pieces, or would I have to dig the whole thing up? As our ground is clay and normally rock hard, I really don't fancy having a huge lump to remove, especially as they will probably be quite deep which may result in decapitating the plant! Presumably autumn/winter would be the best time to attempt anything.
The photo's show the size of the plant and the stalks at ground level, it probably now spreads 3-4 feet and is not shown at it's best where it is.

27 May, 2015
Thanks Wylie for your reply. It was much as I expected - don't like disturbance - so it will probably have to stay where it is!
28 May, 2015
My large Crinum powellii is also near a wall and at the back of the border where it is difficult to appreciate the flower. It flowered fine after I moved it there as before it was more exposed and gaining less warmth which made it look poor over winter. So I suggest leaving it where it is happy and warm unless you have a better position. Mine came out with most root quite easily.
28 May, 2015
Thanks Botanic for your reply. As you say they do like warmth and where it is it bakes in the afternoon sun and is probably the warmest and most sheltered place we have. So I suppose the answer is really to leave well alone while it is happy and has survived even the hardest winter we had a few years ago. Perhaps I can be a bit more ruthless with the Clematis and climbing rose before the Crinum comes out. The rose is not in the best spot as it is rampant and tries to get through the fascia and under the tiles of the roof! Not planted by me and one of several plants that shouldn't be where they are!
29 May, 2015
My crinum moorei (one of the white ones) is beginning to flower, so I would wait until it dies back. If you take just a side bulb, it can take several years for it to grow to flowering size, and they really don't like being moved. I found they show their displeasure by taking 2 years to start flowering again. The bulbs should be just under the surface, but they can get to a huge size.
27 May, 2015