By Loosestrife2
United States
Has anyone attempted to grow Clematis as ground cover or is there a non climbing Clematis that is used for ground cover? Thank You
29 May, 2015
There are some herbaceous Clematis used for ground cover. Taylors have a few but there are other people who grow them. You might even find some at the local garden centre.
29 May, 2015
Trouble with even the herbaceous ones (quite a few of those too!) and the climbers grown horizontally (Treasures of Tenbury Wells have lots grown like this) is that they do not grow thickly enough to really cover the ground enough to exclude light from the soil underneath. That cover is what you need from a ground covering plant.
Also most of the ones suitable for this style are deciduous, so no cover in Winter.
29 May, 2015
Thank you all for your answers. So some types of Clematis could be grown flat for seasonal decorative purposes but as far as weed suppression it would be a fail.
29 May, 2015
Yup no use at weed suppression at all...
29 May, 2015
Winter Beauty is evergreen and tolerant of going up, across, down or wherever, is generously vigorous, and has lovely scented white waxy bells in winter. The flowers are weird in that they form in every leaf axil of the string, and it is intriguing following the strand back to it's source.They generally say to allow to scramble through low growing shrubs, like f.ex low growing eunonymus variety, which would probably work.
29 May, 2015
I have a narrow border of herbaceous paeonies with clematis x triternata rubromarginata scrambling over them.
This provides a second season of interest after the paeony flowers have finished.
29 May, 2015
If you don't provide anything for the clematis to climb up and over it will grow across the ground, how good it will look is a different matter.
29 May, 2015