By Dragonfly45
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
The forget-me-knots have been truly beautiful this year and are now past their best. Do I cut them back in the hope of another flush this year or just pull them out of the ground as they will self-seed next year anyway? Don't want to leave them as they are as they look very untidy.
10 Jun, 2015
If you don't want them then pull them up before they set seed.....
10 Jun, 2015
If you want them to come back, when you pull them up just shake the plants and you will get more next year.
10 Jun, 2015
Thank-you all of you who responded to my query re forget-me-knots. I do of course want them to come up next year so will pull them up now as they look untidy and give them a good shake. Need the seeds to be almost everywhere!
10 Jun, 2015
I usually pull mine up as I know there will be more popping up from the seeds next year.
10 Jun, 2015