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By Hank

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Have cleared the back and front garden now am sorting out the side of the house.there's just over a 2 ft wide strip and I really dislike it. I've already got 3 trees and the ivy out.
My question is - shall I chop it all down and dig the roots out ? And if so, can I put it all straight in the compost bin ? ( not the roots of course. )



Looks like you've got some ferns in there. Can't make out the pink flowers but it looks happy.

13 Jun, 2015


Can't tell all what's there really, other than the pink flower which is Geranium 'Wargrave's Pink' by the looks of it, possibly some Vinca stems and obviously, bulbs of some variety. Seems to be a couple of shrubs further along, can't tell what they are. Yes, you can put all the soft green on the compost heap - with the geranium, you might find you get seedlings popping up in the heap next year or after that, this one seeds quite readily. And yes, the roots need to come out - pay particular attention to the Vinca, if that's what's there, might not be - that threads its way through everything.

I'm curious as to what you'll do with the strip that's left though - if you don't want plants, you could put a membrane down and cover with stones or cobbles or the like, or pave it.

13 Jun, 2015


Thanks. The top 10 ft of the path which you can't see is taken up with my 8 comfrey plants, with which I've just made another batch of comfrey tea.
Oh dear, I haven't thought what I'm going to do with it on completion, perhaps I should just cut it all short with the shears and see what's left ?

13 Jun, 2015


Well, maybe you need to think about what you'd like to do with that area before you start hacking everything back, Hank - you can't beat a man with a plan (or a woman with a plan, come to that...) I mean, at the moment, the Geranium's in flower and it looks quite good... It's obviously a very shady spot so what's there is coping with that pretty well - just looks somewhat overgrown really.

13 Jun, 2015


Honestly Hank I reckon hardy geraniums would be a good choice for that spot. If you don't like those pink ones there are lots of other varieties. Ferns and hostas would work either, or you could train pyracantha back against the fence. Are those strappy leaves daffodils?

Have you thought about the sort of effect you want?

13 Jun, 2015


I haven't given it much thought at all really - I looked at the area, saw about 5 trees here and there, about 7 ft tall and decided they were, or would be far too big, so chopped them down and got the roots out. Then wondered what next so asked.
But i see your point about the geranium ( didn't know it was one ). Will read up on them before doing anything else. thanks.

13 Jun, 2015


Taking out any trees was a good idea...

13 Jun, 2015


Ah, cut back hard in Summer and will easily divide in Autumn. So I can extend the geranium into the bare areas where the trees were. Things may be looking up.

13 Jun, 2015


I'm very grateful for all your help guys. I guess I'm a bit like a bull at a gate - if I don't understand something I just get rid of it and start again from scratch - no doubt chucking stuff away I shouldn't.

14 Jun, 2015


You're not alone, Hank - I've met that attitude many times before, even felt that same impetuousity myself at times.

14 Jun, 2015

How do I say thanks?

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