By Salsalady
United Kingdom
What is a good free flowering climber that is hard and preferably evergreen
13 Jun, 2015
Ooh, sorry Bathgate - Berberidopsis is only frost hardy, Solanum jasminoides is only semi evergreen and not entirely hardy, though it often makes it in the south and west, Jasmine drops its leaves in winter here. Clematis armandii, however, is hardy and evergreen, but I never reckon its terribly attractive, other than when its in flower in early spring, but it depends how visible it is during the summer months really.
There's another option, so long as you're not in a very cold region exposed to cold northerly or easterly winds and the area is sunny- Trachelospermum jasminiodes. It is evergreen, has fragrant white flowers in summer, and pretty hardy. For shady areas, you'll need something different and if you want a flowering climber in such conditions, it'll be deciduous. Hydrangea anomala for instance.
13 Jun, 2015
Trachelospermum jasminoides would get my vote too. I have one outside my front door and it's stunning
14 Jun, 2015
If shady, the lovely Hydrangea petiolarus . . . even the 'spent' flower heads look pretty.
14 Jun, 2015
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Coral plant - CLEMATIS armandii
Virgin's bower - SOLANUM jasminoides 'Album'
Jasmine nightshade, Potato vine
13 Jun, 2015