United States
Can anyone identify this tree or plant or whatever it is I bought it at a nursery they were just trying to get rid of it they didn't even know it was there was no label on it

5 Jul, 2015
My first thought was a Walnut or Juglans nigra. Not too sure though.
5 Jul, 2015
Badfish thank you very much. I'm thinking you're right it looks just like a walnut tree. Root and all. There are walnut trees everywhere in Texas. And pecan trees
6 Jul, 2015
John, I can understand why Robert bought it! If space is not a major problem I have a tendency to feel sorry for the odd plant that is either without a label or in need of tlc. In fact, I have one now in a pot which I am not sure about, I might put that on another question and see if anyone knows what it is!
6 Jul, 2015
I am being no help to you Robert but why would you buy a plant not knowing what it is, how big it will grow and not even knowing what conditions it will enjoy? Look's to me as though it could grow pretty big and even develope into a fair size tree.
Others on here may be able to identify it.
5 Jul, 2015