By Davidtodd
United Kingdom
I have applied Miracle Grow Lawn food to an established lawn - how long should I wait before attempting to thicken the lawn with lawn seed mixed with a lawn soil ?
Equally, any suggestions with what I might mix the seed with - I am using Johnson's General Purpose seed
Many thanks
David Todd
5 Jul, 2015
Hi, welcome to GoY, unless you have bare patches in your established lawn, you don't need to thicken it up, as you mow it, it will thicken up naturally.
If you do need to sow more grass seed, just prepare the patches that need reseeding, by levelling, firming etc, then sow the seed, you don't need to mix the seed with anything, and if you have dry conditions, try to keep the soil moist with a light spray from the hose pipe, but this time of year is not a good time to start sowing grass seed, if it's necessary, leave it until autumn, Derek.
5 Jul, 2015