By Taurman
Hi there,
I have constructed a raised bed outside my kitchen window so its facing south, we get plenty of mositure here so drought is rarely a problem, I need to put some colourful but reasonably low maintenance palnts in there and would appreciate ideas. I realise some will have to be replaced anually but others I would hope to have to leave for a some years. It maesures 4 ft x 12 ft and is 2 ft deep. Its reasonably sheltered but we are prone to lots of wind from the west.
Thanks in advance.
5 Jul, 2015
What's the raised bed sitting on - is there soil beneath it, or a solid surface? If the surface is solid, is there drainage in the bottom of the bed, or is that solid too?
6 Jul, 2015
Perennial Geraniums, perennial Osteospermum, and a small Euonymus elatus for autumn colour.
6 Jul, 2015
Thank you all, have another one I am using for veg and herbs in another place, this one is to be admired for its colour from the window. Its sitting on the soil, just built it on the existing garden.
6 Jul, 2015
Presumably you'd like to admire it in winter as well as summer then! Its good its open at the bottom, means there's no root restriction for permanent planting. I think the best thing is to use some smaller evergreens mixed with the more flowery, impermanent summer bedding plants, assuming you want to use those for summer as well. The trouble is, you haven't said whether the bed will be in full sun, no sun, or half and half, so I've marked the ones that need fullor at least 8 hours of sun with an asterisk. If the area only gets a couple of hours sun, then that's another issue and needs more thought.
Have a look at the following - there's a mix of leaf colour and shape with these, some flower, some don't, well, not so's you'd notice anyway - Heuchera 'Midnight Rose'; Euonymus 'Blondie' or Emerald'n'Gold; Euonymus Pierrolino; Hebe youngii; Ophiopogon nigrescens*; Helianthemums*; Arabis procurrens*;Campanula muralis; any of the other Heucheras with variously coloured leaves (lime, yellow, orange, almost black). All these will still be in leaf in winter.
7 Jul, 2015
Wow that's all very helpful thank you all, off to the garden centre tomorrow to pester them. Re the sun it gets, its south facing so will catch the sun up to late afternoon when the house shadow begins to creep accross it so that's not bad I guess, virtually three quarter of the sun available each day.
8 Jul, 2015
If you're that way inclined what about herbs, as it's presumably near to the kitchen door?
5 Jul, 2015