By Hank
United Kingdom
Name forgotten again
Someone kindly told me what the plant below is - when it was very small and consisted of leaves. I moved it elsewhere and it's fine now and 18 ins tall, but needs moving again. And the second photo is of a similar flower I've found somewhere else. Is it the same ? And will they both come up again next year ? And when can I move them ?

5 Jul, 2015
Hi Hank, I agree with Kennyboy, Antirrhinum, but the usual bedding Antirrhinum majus is a short lived perennial, that is normally grown as an annual, but if left, will grow again for perhaps 2 or 3 years, but as said, they do self seed as well, Derek.
5 Jul, 2015
He! He! I used to call them Bunny Rabbit plants when I was a youngster, used to pull the flowers off and squeeze them at the sides so to look as if their nosed were twitching LOL.
5 Jul, 2015
Thanks guys, but they're in the wrong place so can I dig them up and move them, and if so - when ?
6 Jul, 2015
You can try moving them in late September, but they may just die anyway, depends whether they're plants that have been existing for a while in your garden or whether they were self seeded. You should find other seedlings next year and if you do, you can move those, carefully, in spring to where you do want them.
6 Jul, 2015
Thanks B, won't move them but will keep a very close eye on them.
6 Jul, 2015
hi hank i think you will find that you have got a lovely snap dragon/antirhinhum excuse spelling they are annuals but will self seed.good luck.
5 Jul, 2015