By Chuckyegg
United Kingdom
I am about to buy a house with what I think is a willow tree at the bottom of the path approx 20 yds from the house. I am concerned that the roots may have or may at some point cause some structural damage to the property, but a friend said that tree roots do not spread up hill, and the garden is on a slight incline. Should I be concerned.
24 Jul, 2010
My neighbour tells me he had a willow in his back garden when he moved in. He had it chopped down and then had to get a lorry to tie a rope to the tree stump and drive off to pull out the roots. It never grew back.
24 Jul, 2010
You need to ID the tree properly - a Salix tortuousa, for instance, would be much less trouble and less invasive than, say, Weeping Willow, which shouldn't be anything less than 50 feet away from a house or structure.
24 Jul, 2010
I suppose tree roots rarely grow uphill especially a willow which is thirsty. I do know their roots are invasive and grow a long way. Maybe you could ring a tree company?
24 Jul, 2010