By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
Has anyone grown Campanula rapunculoides 'Campbell Blue' I wonder? I bought one yesterday only to find (on google!!) that it is an invasive plant. I'd like to know other people's views or experiences, please.
On plant
Campanula rapunculoides
16 Jul, 2015
I also bought some of these plants from Aldi and after researching on t'internet found that they are invasive so took them all back and got a refund.
16 Jul, 2015
Plant in a pot and deadhead before it sets seed? Assuming that it survives to that stage.
16 Jul, 2015
Too late - it's planted in the garden! I wonder if plants can read - Sbg says hers died, but it's meant to be hardy. Maybe mine will behave itself...I hope!
17 Jul, 2015
Died here too. But rhaponticoides, like many of the alpine type campanulas is a runner. They like new soil which is why they tend to go looking for pastures new.
17 Jul, 2015
Well, it isn't in new soil, it's in a gap where I heaved out some fading Achillea. It's interesting that yours didn't survive either, Ob.
18 Jul, 2015
I too have just bought one of these from my local garden centre and upon googling it found it was classed as invasive but that seemed to be only in America! Is it really such a beast and does it deserve it's bad boy reputation? Will it thuggishly trample all over my delicate campanula glomerata's and stomp on the heads of my coreopsis? Only bought it 'cos I've got a bit of a thing for various campanulas and I'd never seen this variety before. Will I regret it I wonder?
22 Jul, 2015
I too have just bought one of these from my local garden centre and upon googling it found it was classed as invasive but that seemed to be only in America! Is it really such a beast and does it deserve it's bad boy reputation? Will it thuggishly trample all over my delicate campanula glomerata's and stomp on the heads of my coreopsis? Only bought it 'cos I've got a bit of a thing for various campanulas and I'd never seen this variety before. Will I regret it I wonder?
22 Jul, 2015
We just have to cross our fingers and hope.
25 Jul, 2015
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didn't in my garden, it died :o( and I thought it would be a good doer as I got it from our local HPS table.
16 Jul, 2015