United Kingdom
Having taken Monty Don's advice on the recipe for making a comfrey foliar feed I have covered the chopped up leaves with water. My question is, should the container be left uncovered or should I put a lid on? My thinking is that if left uncovered it will be diluted by rainwater.
18 Jul, 2015
I made some (two years running) from Comfrey Tuberosum and kept it covered for 3 weeks but it did not smell. I used a lot on Clematis Josephine but it didn't do her any good - see my latest question.
Perhaps it needs to be the more common one C.Officinale?
19 Jul, 2015
Thankyou Spritz and Linmar. I don't know what type of comfrey it is so I'll just give it a go and see if it is suitably smelly.
19 Jul, 2015
I found some comfrey plants growing along the edge of a field and dug one up, root and all. I divided up the root into 8 small pieces and now - after 2 years, have 8 plants. I make the smelliest comfrey tea and have used it in poultices too.
20 Jul, 2015
What a lucky find. I didn't realise that poultices could be made out of comfrey and by 'comfrey tea' I guess that you mean fertiliser. Haha
21 Jul, 2015
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Yes, put a lid on to let it brew - it will smell awful! Good stuff as a feed, though.
19 Jul, 2015