By Macpat
United Kingdom
Does anyone recognise this plant/small shrub please?

25 Jul, 2010
the flowers look a little like the vinca minor(periwinkle) but not sure
25 Jul, 2010
Its Ceratostigma, not Periwinkle (Vinca).
25 Jul, 2010
found this quote from Carol Klein "Ceratostigma can not be categorised. Is it a shrub or a herbaceous plant – or a sub-shrub perhaps? There are a few plants that thwart the attempts of gardeners and botanists to categorise them. Ceratostigma willmottianum is one. Is it a shrub or a herbaceous plant – or a sub-shrub perhaps? In some years it dies right down to the ground. In others, the top growth stays all winter, making a framework for the following year. Interesting plants Macpat!
25 Jul, 2010
Ceratostigma plumbagnoides - I love them. I thought they had all died in the temps of minus 30 this winter but they are all back, as cheerful as ever, and getting ready to flower when everything else has finished. Mine are such a glorious blue ......
And they are dead easy to propagate - split off a bit and stick it somewhere else and away it goes.....doesn't seem to mind what soil or conditions it faces.
25 Jul, 2010
Thanks everyone for your input...I recognise the name Ceratostigma now. I've never tried propagating it but will certainly have a is such an intense blue.
26 Jul, 2010
...and I think I will get one too for my new border:-)
26 Jul, 2010
I'll put some photos up when mine is in bloom - I have it all the way down the natural stone steps, intermingled with the wild strawberries.....
And in a few other places too - in fact more or less anywhere I wanted to fill gaps.
26 Jul, 2010
Previous question
Is it a blue Periwinkle?
25 Jul, 2010