By Heidib
Mid Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
ID please. America
Visiting friends in Virginia who are posted from UK. Their rental has a big tree with fruits that are hard and look like lines. Can anyone id them

6 Aug, 2015
Unripe walnuts possibly?
The tree is big and quite distinctive. The fruits are hard, the size shown and look nothing like a walnut at the moment.
6 Aug, 2015
That would be my thought too Buddlejagare
6 Aug, 2015
Any pics of the foliage, Heidi?
6 Aug, 2015
Osage orange tree.
7 Aug, 2015
Quince maybe?
7 Aug, 2015
If it's a walnut, then your hands will stain where you have touched the cut sides.
7 Aug, 2015
Ooh will take more photos when wevisit again today! It's a huge tree!
7 Aug, 2015
I'd like to see a picture of an intact fruit, so we can see the skin of it from the outside as well as the foliage - if its knobbly, then Loosestrife's suggestion of Osage orange (Maclura pomifera) is likely correct
7 Aug, 2015
Hi all, researched other google pictures from your comments, and the leaves and 'fruit' confirm it is a walnut tree ! Thank you for putting us on the right track !
22 Aug, 2015
Well done. Lovely tree to have but you can't grow much under them because of their toxicity, but the nuts are tasty!
22 Aug, 2015
Previous question
« Hi guys, neighbour pointed out she thinks I've got Japanese knotweed growing...
It's not avocado . Is very bittet
6 Aug, 2015