By Artyfrancie
United Kingdom
Hello, we have recently moved home and have two apple trees in the garden. One is a small 'Katy' which is laden with apples and the other a raggedy old unknown with very few apples.
My question is when should we harvest them?
21 Aug, 2015
Kay is about ready now, or at least ours is. Easy enough to tell, gently lift a fruit up and if it comes away in your hand it is ready. Katy do not keep so you need to eat them, or juice them, or purée and freeze for winter use.
21 Aug, 2015
As for the unknown, if there are enough fruit, you could do as we do here for oranges: pick and try one, and maybe try another 2 weeks to a month later, if too green.
21 Aug, 2015
Don't forget to make apple-cranberry pie. The two taste great together.
21 Aug, 2015
Yea - if only we could get fresh cranberries here any time other than Christmas, Bathgate, which we can't. I buy tons of 'em in December and freeze... but its not the same as fresh. Cranberry and apple sauce is fantastic with pork...
Maybe the 'raggedy old one' is a Bramley (cooking) apple?
21 Aug, 2015
There he is again! uggh!
21 Aug, 2015
21 Aug, 2015
I was always told to cut one up and check the pips. If they're brown the apples are ready to come off. ( but I'm an amateur compared to these other guys.)
21 Aug, 2015
...and if they aren't brown, jolly well put the apple back on the tree to ripen properly!
21 Aug, 2015
My Katys aren't ready yet.
21 Aug, 2015
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I live in New York. For us apple harvest goes from late August to October. We often go on apple picking trips to the orchards. When the apples turn red or rosy, you will know intuitively when it's ready.
21 Aug, 2015