By Dave9i46
United Kingdom
How long can you leave potatoes in the ground
21 Aug, 2015
Cheers ;-))
21 Aug, 2015
We haven't lifted our yet and probably won't for another month approx.
21 Aug, 2015
Mine are getting sluggy already.
21 Aug, 2015
Mine are in pots would this make any diffrance ?
21 Aug, 2015
Rather depends if you have pot climbing slugs....You can always grope about in the compost and get a potato out to look if its OK. But assuming that you aren't growing main crop its probably time they were ready anyway. I just dig ours as I want to cook them.
21 Aug, 2015
I've no slugs at all where my potatoes are, but I have quite a lot and they're second earlies. The tops have gone altogether but the spuds are fine so far.
21 Aug, 2015
If they are main crop so longs you lift them before frost thy should be okay but you may find slugs have been eating them.
21 Aug, 2015