United Kingdom
Best time to grow poppies? Why so few in countryside?
6 Sep, 2015
The seed can lie dormant in the ground for many years and only germinate when disturbed as Cammomile says. But as so many weedkillers are now used by farmers there are fewer seeds around. The same has happened with cornflowers and corncockles, which used to be common weeds of cereal crops.
6 Sep, 2015
If you grow them in your garden the Butterflies will not come.
7 Sep, 2015
I've never heard of that Diane, in fact they are promoted as butterfly attracting flowers (I've just looked on the Internet).
7 Sep, 2015
Dont believe them old dear. Most information needs double checking, Lord only knows where they get it from !
8 Sep, 2015
Not so much of the old:)
8 Sep, 2015
Wild red poppies usually come up when the ground they are in is disturbed by digging or, as in the first and second world wars, the ground was bombed. You don't see so many in fields nowadays as farmers don't like weeds in their crops. You can grow your own from seed next Spring and rake the soil over them.
6 Sep, 2015