By Armymom101
United States
I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what is wrong with my Hydrangeas bush next to my patio. I live in Northern KY and every summer it gets flies all over it. They never seem to bother the overall health of the tree, just annoying. Every time we go in and out of the patio door they would fly in. Now this year my bush/tree has not looked well or bloomed as much as before. I was inspecting it today and it doesn't seem to have as many flies as last week but there are dead ones all over it also, this is something new. I took pictures of the dead flies and the alive ones. I also took pictures of some other insects that I have not noticed before.

6 Sep, 2015
I'd be surprised if the state of the plant is connected with the flies. They are probably just attracted to the flowers. If you leave a patio door open on a fine day you do get insects flying in. Try putting on of those string curtains in the doorway - this keeps them out.
6 Sep, 2015
Previous question
Could be several problems. I see from your photo that it stands between two houses. It could be now that it is getting to big for the sunlight available at that location to sustain good growth and flowering. In that case you will have to cut it back to a point where the sunlight available will be adequate for its new size. Another problem could be a late winter or spring freeze which killed alot of flower buds on the plant. Finally, there might not have been adequate water for your plant.
6 Sep, 2015